NZ Safety Deposit Boxes for Gold and Silver Storage
Buying gold or silver and wondering where to safely store it in New Zealand?
If you’ve bought or are looking to buy gold and silver, you should of course consider where to store it for safety and security.
We have a preferred vault for Gold and Silver storage in New Zealand we can recommend.
So why are they our preferred vault option?
1. Unlike others they have 2 vault locations – Auckland and Wellington.
2. Privately owned and trusted. They’ve been in operation since 1931.
3. Your Bullion can be directly delivered to them via any of our gold and silver suppliers. Then you just show up when it suits you to set up your own safety deposit box. There is also an option to have Grant Thornton Auditors act as your representative if you can’t get to Auckland or Wellington. This service is popular with non New Zealand residents wanting to store gold or silver in New Zealand.
4. They have a Lloyds of London Treasury Grade vault, fitted with the most sophisticated multi level electronic protection available.
5. So they can offer insurance via Lloyds of London if you choose. Also not generally available at other vaults in New Zealand.
Special Gold Survival Guide Client Only Offer:
Free Bonus Book Safe
If you choose to store with our preferred vault supplier, you’ll also get a free “Dictionary Safe” valued at up to $69 if you mention you were referred by GoldSurvivalGuide.
These are handy for keeping valuables, jewellery or important documents like passports out of sight from prying eyes. They appear to be a book from the outside but have a hidden compartment inside them.

Hide Your Valuables in Plain Sight
- This Home Diversion Book Safe looks like a real dictionary.
- Place it on a book shelf and it will blend right in with the rest of your books.
- Hide valuables and important documents where thieves won’t think to look.
- Contains a metal safe with a key lock.
How to Claim Your FREE Dictionary Safe
Simple. Contact Sheila in Wellington or Dana in Auckland and mention GoldSurvivalGuide. Then to claim your free Dictionary Safe, just email us back at once you have set up your safety deposit box and let us know where to send it free of charge.
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